Always wear a helmet, protective eyewear and clothing and insist your passenger does the same. Ride within the limits of the law and your
own abilities. Read and understand your owner’s manual. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Indian Motorcycle® strongly
recommends riders take a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rider Course. For a course near you, call 1-800-446-9227. Protect riders’ rights by
joining theAmericanMotorcycleAssociation.For thenameofyournearest IndianMotorcycle®dealer,call 1-800-POLARISorgo topolarisindustries.
com. Polaris Sales Inc. reserves the right without prior notice to discontinue at any time at its discretion any of the items herein or change
specificationsordesignswithout incurringanyobligation to thecustomer.All itemsaresubject toavailabilityandpriorsalesbyourdealers.
Pricesaresubject tochangeatanymoment.Performanceaccessorieshave limitedavailability in internationalmarkets.
CatalogdesignbySAGAMarketing.Printed in theUSA.
†Unless noted, trademarks are the property of Indian Motorcycle® International, LLC. Capital One® is a registered trademark of Capital One
Financial Corporation. GE Capital® is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Sheffield Financial® is the registered trademark
of BB&T Corporation. Velcro® is a registered trademark of Velcro Industries B.V. Ltd Co. Netherlands. iPhone® is a registered trademark of
Apple Inc.SamsungGalaxy® is registered toSamsungElectronicsCo.,Ltd.Bluetooth® isa registered trademarkofBluetoothSig, Inc.SENA®
is a registered trademark of SENA Technologies, Inc. Loctite® is a registered trademark of Henkel Corporation. Jack Daniels® is a registered
trademarkofBrown-FormanCorporation.FOX® isa registered trademarkofFOXRacingShox.
Indian Motorcycle
2100 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340
Phone: 763.542.0500
Fax: 763.542.0599
©2016 Indian Motorcycle
LLC Genuine Accessories
PART #:9930294
Indian Motorcycle
recognizes the importance of environmental laws that regulate exhaust and noise emissions and is committed to
developing performance parts that allow motorcycle enthusiasts to modify their vehicles in a safe and responsible manner for racing
applications.Partsandkitsdesignatedwithawarning triangle indicate thatusage restrictionsmayapply.
Emissions / Safety: Federal and many state laws prohibit the removal, modification, or rendering inoperative any part installed on motor
vehiclesby IndianMotorcycle
affectingemissionsorsafetyonmotor vehiclesmanufactured foruseonapublicstreetorhighway.Violation
may result in fines.
Noise: Certain Indian Motorcycle
performance parts are subject to noise-related usage restrictions. The warning statement for these parts
includes thestatement, “Non-competitionstreetusemayviolate federalnoise limits.”Theseproductsaredesigned foruseonclosedcourse
competitionmotorcyclesonlyanddonotconform toU.S.EPAnoiseemissionstandards.Useonmotorcyclessubject toEPAnoise regulations
constitutes tampering and is a violation of Federal law unless it can be shown that such use does not cause the motorcycle to exceed